Friday, May 24, 2019

How Do You Actually Learn to Love Yourself Essay

5 ways to learn to love yourself more1-Do some(a)thing kind There be lots of different ways to do something kind, but one of the best, long-term ways you can do something for someone else is by volunteering. For example, you could help out at a local swimming club, befriend an elderly person or use your marketing experience to promote a local charity.2-Become your hero for the twenty-four hour period If you want to try this out for yourself choose someone that you can identify with, but who is also well kn give for his or her confidence. Then begin to forge standardized them. Although you dont have to speak in their accent, envisioning your hero can have a surprisingly positive impact upon your own body language and tone of voice.3-Retrain your thoughts How more clocks in a day do you think negatively about yourself? Now ask yourself how many times you compliment yourself during the day.A great way to alter your behaviour and learn to love yourself is to retrain the way you thi nk. You can do this by following up every negative thought you have about yourself with a positive. For example, if you tell yourself that you are ugly, old or overweight, follow this bad thought up with something positive, like I have great skin, hair and a good smile. Increasing the number of positive thoughts you have about yourself during the day will hopefully help you to enjoy being you and will help to boost your self-esteem.4-Admit your flaws and take action We all have flaws and thats fine. It is just something that we have to accept. Yet some plentys flaws can interfere with their life history and become an obstacle that stands between them and their happiness. If you have a flaw that is becoming a problem it is time to admit that you need to change.5-Relationship analysis There are some people in this life that are just no good for us. If you have friends, boyfriends, girlfriends or colleagues who undermine you, belittle you or are just plain mean, you need to have a th inking about confronting them about their behaviour.This can be highly daunting, especially if they bully you. Remember though that no one has the right to put you down and the only way people will stop playacting in this way is if they know you wont accept it. Be brave, plan what you are going to say so that you can communicate intelligibly and then sit down and talk through your issue face to face. If the problem continues it might be time to consider cutting them out of your life altogether. Life is too short to waste on people that dont make you feel good and hanging around with negative people will make it hard for you to love yourself.

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