Monday, September 30, 2019

Signal Transduction Exam 2018

This figure is from Labasque et al., 2008 (GPCR week). A) Describe the experiment shown here and what was learned as a result. B) Design a negative control for this experiment and describe why it is a good control. C) Design an experiment to confirm this result in living cells. Please include controls in your experimental design. Signal Transduction Exam 2018 A) The experiment was performed on human embryonic kidney (HEK 293) cell line. The extracts of solubilized proteins were taken under consideration for this experiment. These were then transfected with different vectors: CTL (empty vectors), co-transfected with GFP fused Calmodulin(GFP-CaM) and serotonin receptor either wild type 5-HT2C or 5-HT2CR376/377A which were treated with a vehicle or 5-HT for five minutes, they analyzed the binding reaction by Western Blot and Immunoprecipitation (IP) techniques. Immunoprecipitation was done of these soluble proteins with polyclonal antibody:anti-GFP. Furthermore, these immunoprecipitated proteins were blotted using a monoclonal anti-GFP antibody along with anti-5-HT2C receptor antibody.As a result of this experiment, it was found that the absence of agonist, 5-HT2C receptor did not co-immunoprecipitate with calmodulin in solubilized proteins that were co-transfected with Myc-5-HT2C receptor and GFP-CaM. However, serotonin receptor co-immunoprecipitated with GFP-CaM after treatment with 5-HT for 5 minutes. But the exposure with 5-HT2CR376/377A did not co-immunoprecipitate GFP-CaM with serotonin receptor. It proves that 5-HT2C receptors are linked with CaM depending on the presence of agonist. The experiment performed is to check the agonist dependent precipitation of GFP-CaM and serotonin receptors in the presence of Myc-5HT2C 5-HT exposure. So, the negative control to be designed here for this experiment can be simply of serotonin receptor and CaM. This would result in no immunoprecipitation and prove as a good negative control. On analyzing it through western blotting it could be proved that no immunoprecipitation had occurred in this control. To confirm the results in living cells the same experiment could be used to check the that whether the immunoprecipitation is agonist dependent or not. Take solubilized proteins from living cells and co-transfect them with GFP-CaM and 5-HT2C receptor followed by exposure to 5-HT, then analyze immunoprecipitation via western blotting. The negative control for this experiment will include only CaM and serotonin receptor, and further analyzing it with western blotting, the results of blotting will show no precipitation in negative.2. These figures are from Fig. 6A,C of Fan et al. (src kinase folder). (A) Explain the experiments shown here. What was being tested? What conclusions can be drawn? How can it be improved? (B) Design another experiment to test the same concept/hypothesis? Include your controls.4839335107886500A) In figure A: Human embryonic kidney cells were transfected with constructs for carrying out this experiment. Immuno-precipitation was carried out of tagged PAG with an antibody against regulator MYC, its interaction is studied here with SRC and BRK followed by immunoblotting analyzation. The result of this experiment was delaying in electrophoretic mobility of tagged PAG protein, when it was co-expressed with SRC. This delay is considered due to the hyper-phosphorylation. However, on co-expression of PAG and BRK this band shift was less evident. In figure C: Co-transfection of HEK 293 cells with MYC-PAG and SRC followed by treatment in the absence or presence of SRC kinase inhibitor SU6656 (5 M) for at least 1 hour. PAG was immunoprecipitated by antibody against MYC, and the binding of CSK was compared by immunoblotting. On the other hand, the disturbance of link b/w CSK and PAG was observed on weakening SRC activity by a small molecular inhibitor SU6656, this experiment concluded the importance of SRC kinase activity for functioning of CSK. Also, this study shows that distinct mechanisms have evolved to regulate the activities of two structurally similar and functionally related kinases, BRK and SRC, understanding of the signaling function of protein phosphatases, including definition of their substrate specificities, will allow us to exploit a greater spectrum of the changes in signaling in disease and to generate new and more effective strategies for therapeutic intervention in major human diseasesB) To test the same hypothesis with controls, take breast cancer frozen samples of different patients, divide the sample in two groups one will be the test group other the control group. The control group will be given doses of anti-tumor medication (like tamoxifen for breast cancer). RNA will be extracted from both groups using Trizol and will be followed by purification assay. The breast cancer cell lines will be transfected with empty vectors or pcDNA3-MKP3-V5. Furthermore, the transfectants will be placed in media like minimum essential media MEM with phenol red, followed by SDS PAGE electrophoresis, and transfer to nitrocellulose membrane. After transferring they will be incubated with primary antibody for an hour or more then with the secondary antibody to observe the chemiluminescence with a reagent. The cells will then be lysed in a buffer, phosphatase reaction carried out will be observed by assays and transfected cells will be compared with control ones to whom tamoxifen was given.36734750003. This is figure 4b from Gresset et al (phospholipases folder). (A) What is the hypothesis being tested in this experiment? (B) Describe how the experiment was done, including results. (C) Predict what might happen to PLC? activity if Tyrosine783 was ‘permanently' phosphorylated and explain why. The hypothesis being tested here is the enhancement in the lipase activity of phospholipaseC-?1 via phosphorylation of one or both specified tyrosine residues (Y775 and Y783) in the downstream process of signal transduction.To perform the experiment, equal concentrations of purified phospholipase-C-?1 were set on incubation with the active kinase domain of the Fibroblast growth factor receptor FGFR2 and ATP in bovine serum albumin containing buffer, the samples of this reactions were tested for two activities: 1) for lipase activity in the phospholipid vehicles indicated in the figure on left Y axis. Secondly the phosphate incorporation in phospholipase-C-?1 was studied, illustrated at right Y axis of the figure. 4 moles of phosphate were added to each test samples, the Wildtype inactive PLC?1 was taken as a normal control with its basal phospholipase activity, active PLC?1 with wildtype FGFR2K served as a positive control with phosphate and PLC?1 knockout mutant served as negative control to quantify the phospholipase activity among the mutants. This was performed to check the phosphorylation of tyrosine and auto inhibition of PLC-? isozymes, 775/783 of PLC-?1 were substitutes at the place of phenylalanine, they could be used individually or together, but in the experiment tyr783 is used individually. Phospholipase activity of resulting mutant after purification was quantified with active domain of FGFR2K (helps in phosphorylation and activation of phospholipase). Certain known moles of phosphates were added into purified PLC-?1 in wild type under above mentioned conditions and observed that phospholipase activity was enhanced 10 times. The mutation of tyr783 completely nullified the kinase stimulated acceleration of phospholipase activity along with reduction in FGFR2K-promoted phosphorylation of PLC-?1. This experiment proves that, phosphorylation of Tyr783 is vital for relief of auto-inhibition.Studies reveal that Tyr-783 was essential for auto inhibition. As discussed above, permanent phosphorylation of tyr-783 will completely nullify the kinase stimulated and FGFR2K stimulated phosphorylation of PLC-?1. Lipase activity of PLC-?1 will be enhanced across its limits and over-expression of PLC-?1 can induce malignant transformation. The results could be leading to production of carcinoma cells. It has been found in various studies that activity of PLC-?1 is more in cancerous cells as compared to normal cells. So, permanent phosphorylation tyr783 could be a way leading to malignant cancers.3416300-254000004. This figure is from Tsui et al. 2015. (lipid raft folder). (A) Explain the relationship between GFR and Ret51 and what they are testing in this paper (the overall idea). (B) Explain the experiment shown in this figure and what was learned. (C) What is a negative control that could improve the conclusions from this experiment?GFR and Ret51 both are receptors, GDNF is found to promote PNS development and kidney morphogenesis through the receptor complex consisting of GDNF family receptor 1 (GFR1) and the other receptor tyrosine kinase (Ret). Ret signal transduction is increased by translocation of GFR. GFR-mediated Ret activation is essential too for the kidney morphogenesis and for various other functions of abdominal precursors that form abdominal nervous system. Also, GFR has many lipid rafts because its GPI anchorage, but Ret is expelled from lipid rafts. In this paper, the gene replacement for GFR in mice results GDNF resulting in Ret activation but prevented its translocation into lipid rafts. These mice showed renal agenesis, and other disorders including loss of the enteric nervous system, and defects in motor neuron axon path similar to GFR mice that was knocked out, all this provided evidence along with lipid rafts GFR is also needed for neurotrophic factor signaling.Primary considerate neurons secluded from Gfr1and Gfr1TM/TM mice were maintained in vitro for some days. Then they treated the neurons with GDNF or medium for exact time of 15 minutes. The Detergent-resistant membranes quarantined from the neurons were examined by immunoblotting for Ret51. The comparative purity of detergent resistant and detergent soluble fractions was confirmed by using immunoblotting for caveolin and transferrin receptor, respectively B, the experiments shown in A, were computed and graphed. Otherwise, Substantial decline in the amount of Ret51 was recorded statistically that translocated into lipid rafts while GDNF stimulation in Gfr1TM/TM neurons compared with Gfr1 neurons. Similar Results were obtained after performing the experiment four times .Moreover, Lipid raft translocation experiments were performed to prove the concept that GDNF/GFR1/Ret complex does not translocate into lipid rafts in Gfr1TM/TM mice. Primary sympathetic neurons from Gfr1/ and Gfr1TM/TM mice were used to extract detergent-resistant membranes. Upon stimulation of Gfr1/ neurons with GDNF, Ret translocated quickly into lipid rafts. This was a contrast to Gfr1TM/TM neurons that an evident reduced movement of Ret into the detergent-resistant was recorded because of GDNF exposure. A small portion of Ret that did translocate into lipid rafts while stimulation may be owing to Ret kinase-dependent translocation of Ret into rafts that occurs with slower movements. There was a significant, 75% reduction in the kinetics of the Ret receptor complex into lipid rafts during GDNF exposure in Gfr1TM/TM neurons according to computation made by these experiments. The negative control design here for confirming the results that Ret doesn't translocate into lipid rafts during GFL activation in Gfr1TM/TM neurons, the primary sympathetic neurons isolated from Gfr1/and Gfr1TM/TM mice will be grown in the same way as test ones, with the only difference that there will be no treatment with GDNF or medium for 15 minutes, and the impact of this will confirm the result to much greater extent upon immunoblotting.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sociological Approach to the Study of Religion

Outline and assess one of the main approaches to the study of religions. Religion and ‘The Study of Religions’ has many approaches which try to investigate the core of what religion is and what it means to the people who practice it. Sociology is one such approach that this essay will be looking at through its founding fathers Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and Karl Marx. Sociology in general looks at people’s dynamics and explains a group’s influence. It demonstrates how religious belief and practices have become so important over time and emphasises their role and significance throughout. Each of these three sociologists has a link to these ideas which will be the main thesis in this essay. Emile Durkheim looks at religion from a functionalist perspective in the sense that he assumes that religion has a positive role in society, as it acts as an important socialisation process for all members. The theory is largely based on the Arunta tribe in Australia, where he discovered objects worshipped which he calls ‘totems. ’ These totems according to him were an important factor in the society; seeing that the objects became a symbol of the group’s identity and unity. These objects he claims are â€Å"collective representation† (Fish, Jonathan S. 2005: 30) as they have reinforced the importance of integration into the community via the worshipped objects. The worshipped object have an emotional significance to them as the â€Å"totems serve as evocative device for reminding individuals of their initial feelings long after the assemblies† (Fish, Jonathan S. 2005:51) therefore evidently it becomes more about the idea and symbolism of the object rather than the object itself that unites all. Thus making the idea of rituals of greater significance as it generally binds people together which for Durkheim is always a positive thing. On the other hand, Durkheim does not offer a real explanation on why some deviate from such society’s e. g. Islamic fundamentalists such as the Taliban. Perhaps his theory generally works on a tribal base rather than bigger societies, where conflicts and divides are more common; in a smaller community less people are likely to go against the status quo. Moreover, to say that religion only plays a positive role is absurd. How can one explain the atrocities that occur on the name of religion for instance? For this reason I find Durkheim’s theory limiting as it does not look at all aspects of religion or religious life but merely draws a quick conclusion to it. Also according to this perspective religion instils the same norms and values for everyone, making it a regulatory function in society. Religion for Marx then becomes a form of social control which provides guidelines through religious texts e. g. 10 commandments. These norms which are shared gives people the opportunity to unite to what may be seen as morally incorrect or sinful. This can be vital in a society as it can allow social stability. Durkheim argument is plausible as there has been a significant rise in New Religious Movements. This evidently shows that people still require religion in their life. Moreover, the recent increase on religious fundamentalists can be a point that strengthens Durkheim argument as it can be evidence for people being threatened by a weakening society. Karl Marx similar to Durkheim starts with the assumption that religion is in fact a product of society. Importantly, however, he disagrees with Durkheim as he does not see religion as beneficial for the whole of society but argues it benefits only the ruling class or what he calls the ‘bourgeoisie’. Religion, according to Marx only transmits bourgeoisie ideologies to convince the working class or ‘proletariats’ that inequality is natural and fair phenomena in the world. Making religion as a whole a â€Å"collective smoke-screen† (Connolly, P. 1999:100) as it distorts reality which gives explanation for inequality as being of religious significance i. e. sin. For Marx this is the core idea behind religion making it a tool for oppression and a form of social control. Religion is claimed to be the â€Å"opium of the people† (Hamilton, Malcolm B 2001:81), making it a drug which is used by people as an illusion to hide or cover up the real causes of suffering, which for Marx is primarily capitalism. Capitalism covers up religion and manages to help the bourgeoisie greatly, as it becomes a â€Å"comforting illusion† (Hamilton, Malcolm B 2001:80) as the proletariats do not question the status quo due to their belief in getting a greater reward in the afterlife. Religion itself is used to justify hierarchy in the world, a verse in a hymn such as the following are used, â€Å"the rich man in his castle, the poor man at his gate, god made them. Highly or lowly, and ordered their state†. This stresses Marx’s point that as it’s believed to be sanctioned by God it is unlikely to be challenged by anyone. The Marxists perspective generally makes many valid arguments which society can relate to even today. The idea of caste system is still relevant in many Hindu traditions (although generally frowned upon). Buddhism has the idea of karma meaning if you are a poor person in this life then it’s to do with your own bad karma in the previous life. Therefore Marxism is correct in this aspect, that religion is used in order to justify inequality. Another key piece of evidence for the Marxists perspective is the fact that the Catholic Church is arguably allowing the spread of aids due to its stance against contraception. As a result of this, there is a continuation of social deprivation especially in Africa which further illustrates that religion is generally used to keep social inequality. Marxism disagrees that religion can bring about social change, this, however can be disputed. This is mainly due to the fact religious leaders have challenged the status quo in order to bring about change in their societies. Two main examples being Father Camillo Torres Restrepo and Martin Luther King whose works brought about a vast amount of change to Colombia and America respectively. Evidently this contrasts to the Marxists view as it shows that religion can in fact bring about social change and consequently allow for equality. Personally, I feel that the Marxists view limits human nature as it assumes they will simply follow rather than stand up to injustice. More importantly sociology in general claims to work in an objective and scientific way but I cannot see how it is possible with Marxists ideas such as on the religion being a drug and comforting as these ideas are impossible to measure. Max Weber is regarded as a social action theorist due to his claim that religion can shape and define society. He argues that religion can indeed bring about social change; he bases his argument on a Christian group named the Calvinists whom according to him brought about a form of western capitalism. This form of â€Å"ascetic Protestantism† (Johnstone, Ronald L. 2004:196) allows for the growth of capitalism because of their belief on disciplined hard work which to them emphasised the Glory of God. This â€Å"spirit of capitalism† (Furseth, Inger and Pal Repstad 2006:36) did not allow for the accumulation of wealth but actually encouraged reinvestment back into the society according to Weber. The so called Protestant ethics approach leads him to believe that this led to social change as society turned to mass producing mechanised industries. Another way the Calvinist were able to bring about social change, was thorough the apprehension people had. Calvinists believed in predestination which led to the belief that having a good business or being successful could have indicated that you were one of God’s chosen people. This gives the perception that people were competing over heaven and failure was not an option for people. However, Weber does not limit the growth of capitalism to the Calvinist alone as he is aware of other factors. Weber’s argument must be treated with a degree of caution. Evidence suggests that Protestant nations were not always capitalistic and vice versa. Also many believe that Catholic countries were already flourishing before the breakaway from Catholicism occurred. The study of Religions deal with many wide and opposing issues some of which have been covered in this essay through the works of Durkheim, Marx and Weber. Although, each sociologist does give a good account of explaining the dynamics within a religious group but with each case a very simplistic and generalised view was given by the sociologist about religion. It is plausible to argue that religion brings people together through rituals but is it not a natural thing for people to unite whilst doing something together? In this view then perhaps anything can be said to have religious significance as long as it brings people together. Additionally, the idea of a greater reward in the afterlife is not the only justification given about inequality. In the greater sense inequality within religion can be about anything from the roles of men and women to dress code. Therefore once again this idea has been limited to it being about capitalism. Religion is said to be able to bring about social change which arguably is a factor but for it to be the only thing is for me far fetched. It is an inherent thing for people to fight when they are being wronged. It is about something within rather than it being about religion.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Intercultural Communication As A Trading of Cultural Stereotypes Essay

Intercultural Communication As A Trading of Cultural Stereotypes - Essay Example The mass media is especially responsible for repeatedly promoting negative and distorted images of different cultural groups until those images and stereotypes often become very difficult to overcome. A few isolated incidents of bad conduct from members of a group, and the entire group is often perceived as being the same, that is because when people stereotype, they don’t feel a need to consider the individuals that make up a group after placing that group in a determined category. Stereotyping serves the purpose of allowing people in one group to claim superior characteristics to those in another group. By attributing characteristics that bear a negative connotation, stereotyping becomes a way that people gain a sense of control about the unknown. This phenomenon not only exists between ethnic cultural groups, but among others as well, such as gender groups, economic groups, educational groups, and generational groups. This is particularly true when one considers the response a younger culture often receives from an older one. There are differences of opinion when it comes to language and culture. Some say that language defines a culture because it affects and molds what we believe and what we think, yet others say that language is only reflective of what goes on inside of a culture. When we talk about people, our intent is to make a specific point, and that point dictates the language and word choices that we make. If we want to portray someone in a positive light, we might refer to them as beautiful, trustworthy, enterprising or as a pillar of society. We would show respect by referring to them as Sir, Miss or Ma’am. On the other hand, if we want to portray someone in a less favorable light, we might call them by their last name only, use words such as shady or dubious.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Hammurabi's Code - An Overview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hammurabi's Code - An Overview - Essay Example Various parts of the law were written in systematic way so that reading of the Code by the people was easily understandable and people could derive what was expected of them from the written laws. The code was inscribed upon a black stone monument, eight feet high, and clearly meant to be erected for reading by his people. This famous stone-carving was found in the year 1901, not in Babylon, but in a city of the Persian mountains, as some later victor must have taken it in victory. The code starts and finishes with calls to the gods. It shows how regard for gods was mandatory before reading a law code although the prayers were mainly curses for non-abiders of the law (Horne, 1915). The code commands in lucid and sure strokes the making of society. The judge who commits mistakes in a law case is to be ousted from his position and rank forever, and heavily penalized. The falsified witness is to be beheaded. In fact, all the serious crimes are awarded death. For instance, if a man const ructs a house poorly, and the structure comes down and kills the owner, the builder is to be beheaded. If the owner's son is killed, then the builder's son would be beheaded. The Hebrews imbibed from here the law of "an eye for an eye.† These serious retributive punishments do not count excuses or clarifications, but only of the truth--with one noticeable exception. An offender was permitted to drown himself into "the river," the Euphrates. Clearly, people were not familiar with swimming; if the waves brought the culprit to the river banks alive he was pronounced not-guilty, if he could not swim back he was declared guilty. It shows Hammurabi’s belief in the justice of the reigning gods, although a bit childishly, it was implanted in the minds of people (Horne, 1915). There are thousands of rulings of the ancient times based on Babylonian laws, the so-called "contracts," including a vast range of deeds, conveyances, bonds, receipts, accounts and, most critical of all, t he actual legal verdicts awarded by the judges in the law courts. It helped in conserving the so-called "Sumerian Family Laws† (Johns, 1911). One can not find any symptoms of tribal tradition from the law of the Code. It is a ruler’s law; similar to self-help, bloody fights, marriage by seizure is missing; though family unity, district duty, and difficult times – these ancient traits are visible. The king is a kind-hearted ruler who can be available to all his people, he is equally capable and ready to safeguard the oppressed against the noblest oppressor. The royalty can excuse such a high profile culprit only if there is no resentment among the people for the oppressor. The judges are regularly observed and appeal is permitted. There are feudal holdings, masters of the levy, and police. There exists a postal system. There is free movement by people from Babylon to the coast of the Mediterranean. Women hold a rank of respect and reverence in the Hammurabi code ( Johns, 1911). The Code did not just personify the customs of that time or safeguard ancient law. The law-abiding citizens and litigation had a record of centuries in the temple stores in each city, huge enough, of past decisions and copies of judicial awards, getting mixed with the city traditions. The ever-prevailing habit of writing and practice of written deeds even more

Thursday, September 26, 2019

American vs. European Efforts in the Afghanistan War Essay

American vs. European Efforts in the Afghanistan War - Essay Example Nevertheless, by spring 2002 the United States found its own troops stretched thin in Afghanistan and sought more Allied help. By May 2002 more than two-thirds of American's NATO allies had sent soldiers to Afghanistan, and there were more European forces on the ground than American ones. The Europeans play an even more important role when it comes to long-term efforts to rebuild the war-shattered country (Asmus 21). Europe's lack of participation in the US war against terrorism as a consequence of the 11 September 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in New York and Pentagon in Washington. In the first phase of the war, initiated in Afghanistan in early October 2001 it was, more or less the US alone that conducted the execution of military operations. The military campaign as a whole was driven by sophisticated US firepower that in practice excludes effective cooperation with European forces, which are not equipped to fight at such a distance from their homes bases. The war against terrorism in Afghanistan brought home to most EU member states the realization that many of their fundamental foreign policy interest are similar. At the Laeken European Council on 14 and 15 December 2001, in Belgium, the European Union announced that it would send 3,000 to 4,000 troops to Afghanistan to serve as a stability force for the new government in Kabul. But while some European delegates said that the EU, with the decision to send a multilateral peace-keeping force to Afghanistan, had taken its first step toward projecting military power around the world and that the EU is seizing a political opportunity, other delegations played down the importance of the EU's participation in the stability force. While invigorating the NATO partnership was heartening on one level, on another, the European offers appeared to be a devious way for them to exercise leverage over military operations in Afghanistan. Granted, military cooperation could mobilize European public opinion in favor of the war, an outcome welcome to the U.S. military. The European allies stood behind the United States in the Afghanistan campaign, and the United States in turn accepted allied aid in the region. By contrast, Europeans wanted to have a voice in the conduct of war on terrorism, while the Americans wished to avoid a sense of isolation in conducting the assault against the Taliban. The differences, for the moment, were reconcilable as 2001 came to a close. On the other hand, one U.S. political commentator, Linda Robinson, from US News and World Report, said caustically that the European had come to see their global mission as embodying civilization, not defending it. This may or may not true. What is clear in any case is that whether Europe will count for more in terms of maintaining international stability is one of the most important issues of the coming years (Pye 285). The Europeans have played a significant role in Afghanistan, the struggle continues to stabilize the country in the wake of the October 2001 U.S. lead overthrow of the Taliban regime that had provided safe haven and training areas for the global terrorist organization Al Qaeda. In 2006, NATO forces, mainly European, took over the peace-building mission in Afghanistan, but not the counterinsurgency combat operations still run by the United States.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The theory and practice of risk management Dissertation

The theory and practice of risk management - Dissertation Example There has been a major turbulence in the credit market which can be traced to the institutional changes brought about in the housing finance sector, in developed countries. Housing finance markets were deregulated, leading to a heighted competition in the credit lending market, and the integration of housing finance with the capital markets further worsened the crisis (Hoggarth & Pain, 2002). Also, the rapid development of technology brought about significant changes and played a key role in developing and strengthening the money market funds. The wide-scale use of technology further led to a global economic boom and helped in reducing the interest rates to a considerable extent. This increased the profitability of banks to considerable extent. Bank profitability is defined as a result of internal and external determinants (Short, 1979; Bourtke, 1989; Molyneux and Thornton, 1992; Demirguc-Kunt and Huizinga, 2000). Internal determinants include size, capital, credit risk, costs etc. T here is a positive relationship between size and profitability of banks (Akhavein et al, 1997; Smirlock; 1985). ... After the introduction of the Building Societies Act, various building societies were converted into banks, while the rest of the building societies enjoyed unlimited commercial liberty under the Act. Changes such as these, added to the already competitive market. The banking sector was rapidly transforming during this period, following such changes. It was during the period 1991 – 1996 that the mergers and acquisitions increased drastically in the UK. The new entrants in the market comprised of non-financial institutions such as football clubs and insurance companies who were given authority to enter the retail market. Apparently, such drastic changes in the banking and financial services industry, in the U.K., gave rise to critical challenges, as the external environment in which the banks operate became increasingly concentrated. Banking regulation was relatively weaker, thus increasing the vulnerability of the sector, and significantly altering its power to address the ris ks faced by it. The case of Northern Rock: The bank which operated on Northern Rock, is one such glaring example of the vulnerability of the banking sector as well as the credit crunch which ensued such rapid transformations in the U.K. banking sector. This was the oldest running bank in the country, with over 150 years of business, however, its failure posed serious questions and left doubt regarding the effectiveness of the regulatory practices. The inefficacy of the regulatory practices coupled with the vulnerability of the bank, highlighted its inefficiency of responding to the crisis, hence services of the Bank of England were sought as a last resort.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Rails to Trails Program Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Rails to Trails Program - Research Paper Example As a function of this particular level of analysis, the author will discuss five of the sea goals/accomplishments that Rails to Trails has elaborated on within its 2011 annual report. By engaging in a summary and objective analysis of these goals and competence, it is the hoped that the reader can come to a more appreciable understanding of detailed victories and further goals that program necessarily engenders. Secondly, as a means of determining the effectiveness of the entity in question, the analysis will also engage with an analysis and discussion of whether media coverage of the group has been on the whole either positive, negative, or neutral. Likewise, by leveraging an understanding of the internal accomplishments and goals that the group seeks to affect as well as understanding the likely level to which societal shareholders have engaged with the group via the media, it will be able for the analysts to calm to a more clear and definitive understanding of whether or Not the m acro and micro scheme that the group seeks to affect has a likelihood of general success. It can and should be understood that a broad and overarching goal that Rails to Trails has sought to affect is with regards to the level and extent to which the entity and its stakeholders continually seek to engage key members of Congress. This is done so that awareness within the minds of the legislatures can be created and key responses made with regards to proposed legislation and potential cuts (Hannan 44). In this manner, it can be understood by the reader that one of the primary goals with which Rails to Trails seeks to engage is with regards to the current economic environment; the environment in which the clear and present need for economic cuts places the life blood of Rails to Trails at a distinct risk. Accordingly, one of the greatest, judgments that was detailed within the annual report 2011 was with regards to the general success which was achieved at keeping the Federal Transport ation Fund available to both highways and trails. Movements and interest by key legislators to remove trails and walking paths into the general fund of the Federal Transportation Fund; whereas before these programs that always enjoyed a degree of safety from the competition that the general fund would necessarily imply. Secondary item of success and a compliment is with regards to the way in which Rails to Trails engaged with Representative Mica. This was done in something of an expert manner due to the fact that Representative Mica only recently became the head of the Transportation Infrastructure Program; a powerful body that was able to decide what expenditures or cuts would be made to key government programs (Fisher 10). Due to the fact that Representative Mica was a Republican, it would’ve been easy for the organization to merely seeks to combat him rather than co-opt him. However, a resounding success was able to be realized when stakeholders from Representative Micaâ⠂¬â„¢s home district were able to begin passing several resolutions. These resolutions had the impact of encouraging Representative Mica to consider his view upon funding cuts and ultimately support the Rails to Trails Program. Another means by which a level of success was able to be realized was with regards to the partnership with the Campaign for Active Transportation (CAT). As a means of providing a unified voice and engaging with other stakeholders to maximize the combines impact upon legislation and potential cuts looming on the horizon, this particular engagement was extraordinarily helpful to achieving these goals (Hearne 118). Yet another compliment is with regards to the bipartisan support that Rails to Trails was able to

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Muslim Empires Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Muslim Empires - Essay Example Emperor Selim annexed Syria, then Cairo, before calling himself the new caliph, Muhammad’s successor. The Ottomans also conquered North Africa. From 1521 onwards, under Suleyman the Magnificent, the Ottomans advanced to Belgrade, Hungray, Austria, and Vienna. The Ottoman Empire lasted until the eighteenth century, but was challenged by the growing Austrian Empire in Southeastern Europe and Russia in the north. The government of the Ottoman sultan administered a diverse population through appointing pashas who managed new territories through collecting taxes, paying a fixed percentage as tribute to the central government, and preserving peace and order. The bey refers to the chieftain or tribal leader and who served as pashas too. Tribal disputes were resolved through tribal law, while Islamic law was secondary. In addition, the sultan ruled through an imperial council, which met four days a week and where the grand vizier served as the chairman. Ottoman rule was more localized than those applied in Europe and Asia. The Ottomans declined by the seventeenth century due to various reasons, including Suleyman’s execution of two capable sons and increasing social unrest (due to corruption and economic difficulties). The Safavid dynasty began with Shah Ismail. Ismail conquered Iran and Iraq in 1501. The Safavids attained the peak of their ruling under Shah Abbas. Furthermore, they ruled a mixed-race and mixed-religion Persia. They used Shi’ism as the unifying force. Their empire disintegrated in 1723 due to succession conflicts and attacks from the Ottomans. The shah was like the sultan who claimed divine quality. Furthermore, the Safavid appointed people to senior management positions by merit than birth. The Safavid shah was also like the Ottoman sultan who traveled regularly to the city to check his subordinates for moral or religious transgressions. Babur established the Mughal dynasty. He conquered Kabul in 1504. He expanded his

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How far do you think railway travel influenced notions of identity and Essay

How far do you think railway travel influenced notions of identity and community in colonial India Give specific examples - Essay Example This is because the railway lines were relevant in the formation of imagined communities especially after the division of India into present day India and Pakistan. The train changed the social relations from that she refers to as concrete lived relations to abstract generalities while it also became a sign of collective identity. Travel through the railway in Colonial India also eliminated individual identities to communal ones which led to the doing away with the held social relations. Therefore, travel through railway lines in Colonial India greatly affected how the citizens identify with each other as well as how the community interacts. In this paper we will discuss the notions of identity in colonial India as affected by travel and transport through the railway line. Our focus will be on how travel through railway led to the growth of a sense of national identity amongst people of disparate regions in colonial India and the raising of the consciousness about the social order in the Indian community. The paper will also make a discussion on how travel by railway in colonial India mobilized the people around one political ideology thus givi ng them a sense of identity as one Indian community. The most everlasting and contribution of European Imperialism to its colonies were through the invention of machines and amongst the most important was the invention of locomotives. The locomotives had the potential to move people and goods from one point to another which had serious impacts on the social, cultural, economic and political compositions and identities of societies. Almost all colonial governments used their superiority in technology to annex and exercise control over the affairs of nations. The colonialists used technology such as construction of railway lines rather than ideologies to further their imperialistic ideals over the colonies.2 These could be through the progress and power

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Influence of alcohol on youths life Essay Example for Free

Influence of alcohol on youths life Essay Alcohol abuse among the youths has become a major concern in the recent past in various parts of the world. Alcohol is one of the most abused drugs with more than 60% of homesteads having access to alcohol. While in the past alcohol was not termed as a drug, today it is the leading cause of many deaths in the United States especially among the youths. Alcohol use and abuse by the youths has significant impact on their mental development and other health issues. Alcohol has been known to compromise the capability of a person to perform some of the normal tasks and also other complex tasks, the ability brain cells to retrieve information and it also slows information recording by the brain cells. Alcohol also has the effect of degrading coordination and slowing down reaction process. Apart from destroying the brain, alcohol abuse leads to other physical health problems as well as social and economic problems (Buddy, para 2). Currently, most youths drink due to peer influence or just to appear superior to their peers. Drinking has become a major problem in most colleges as more young people engage in alcohol drinking. In America for example, research has established that almost 50% of all students consume alcohol even before they reach their 8th grade (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), para 1). This trend continues as the students continue to 12th grade with the frequency at which alcohol increasing as students’ sets on adolescent and early adulthood. Some of the negative impacts associated with youth drinking include risky sexual activities, high risks to societies and individuals through road accidents and subsequent deaths, alcohol stimulated or induced brain damage, increased crime such as homicide, assaults and rapes all associated with alcohol, poor academic performance and poor general health of youths who take alcohol among other effects (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), para 1-2). This research paper will thus evaluate the various negative effects that alcohol abuse has on youths’ lives as well as their families and the society as a whole. Effects of alcohol abuse on youths As mentioned earlier, alcohol abuse is the leading cause of deaths in the United States as well as other parts of the world. Unlike in the past where terminal illnesses were ranked as the first killers in the world, today alcohol has been identified as the major killer around the world a scenario which has been attributed to the exposure of individuals to alcohol. Alcohol is one of the oldest drugs in the world. However, its abuse especially among the youths has increased in the recent past and its effects are felt across all nations (Felsted, pp 16). One of the major impacts of alcohol abuse on youth’s lives is that it interferes with the normal development process of the brains. Current research has established that brain development continues through the early twenties in a person. However, the pre-frontal cortex which is the part which is responsible for controlling cognitive ability and reasoning develops later in life as it takes a longer time to mature. Drinking in the early ages by a person (before the complete development and maturity of the brain) thus affects a person memory as it damages the region of the pre frontal cortex. Most of the youths who begin drinking do so at tender ages when their brain cells are still at the development stages. Brain cells develop when individuals are young and excessive drinking interferes with this development making young people more ineffective and unproductive. Research has established that most of the youths start drinking before the age of 16 (Barnes Brown, pp 45). During this period, it is the time when brain cells fully mature and intoxication with alcohol reduces or interferes with hormone release and functioning. Excessive use of alcohol reduces the capability of the brain to coordinate and integrate information thus interfering with good decision making process (Barnes Brown, pp 45). Academic degradation is another effect of alcohol abuse amongst the youths. As mentioned above, alcohol interferes with effective brain development as well as the ability of the brain to integrate and coordinate information to make meaningful translation of assimilated information. The ability of a person to comprehend and perform complex tasks and also to control impulses is controlled by the pre-frontal cortex which is destroyed by early age drinking. Alcohol abuse also slows down a person’s ability to be creative and make mature and meaningful decisions. Most of the youths who abuse alcohol are in their college levels or junior classes. Due to the negative impact alcohol abuse has on brain development and concentration capability, such youths end up performing poorly in their course work. Poor academic performance has various implications both in the short run and long run life of a youth. Mostly, students who perform poorly in class or course work end up getting poor grades which in turn forces the students to retake a course or a unit. Students who are forced to retake a course usually find it to be offensive and end up dropping out of school. This has further implications in their later life as it is difficult to find a descent job without good grades. Also, students who perform poorly in their academics are unlikely to find good jobs to support them and their families in the future. They thus end up with blue collar jobs which are not capable of supporting them financially in the long run (Buddy, para 4-6). Poor academic performance by youths and the subsequent loss of welfare has significant impact not only to the youths but also the communities in which they live in. Youths are the energetic and creative generation which is entitled to take up community development projects and to take care of the younger ones in their families in cases where parents are old or incapacitated. When youths are involved in alcohol abuse, they are unable to bring development in their communities thus affecting the overall development of these areas. Also, the government loses out as there are few youths to employ in more sophisticated careers thus end up importing professionals which can be costly. Alcohol has not only destroyed the future lives of youths but it has also destroyed the welfare of the families, societies and the overall economic growth of a country (Barnes Brown, pp 76). Another negative impact of alcohol abuse among the youths is that it leads to loss of jobs thus economic welfare. Alcohol is very addictive and once addicted; a person becomes alcohol dependence and cannot work effectively without it. Once in the blood stream, alcohol changes the normal functioning systems and makes it to become dependent on alcohol for functioning. Most of the young adults have lost some prestigious jobs due to alcohol addiction and abuse. Once fully addicted, a person cannot perform his or her duties and thus end up being retrenched or laid off from their work places. Loss of economic welfare renders a person incapable of feeding and taking care of his or her family leading to marital problems which may even lead to divorce or separation. Domestic violence associated with alcohol and drug abuse is the main reason given by most people while filing for a divorce. Alcoholics tend to become violent and unruly which have negative impacts on the children development. Most children who are brought up in families characterized by domestic violence tend to become reserved and perform poorly in class and they may even become violent later in their lives. Young married couples who abuse alcohol are more likely to raise unhealthy families and are even more likely to be violent and disorderly (NIAAA, para 5). Alcohol abuse among the youths also leads to increased crime and homicide cases. In America for example, over 36% cases of homicide which are reported are related to alcohol intoxication and abuse. 0% of these cases are reported to have been committed by young persons under the age of 25 years whose history verify excessive use of alcohol (Felsted, pp 22). Alcohol has different effects on adults and youths which make these two groups of individuals to behave different while under its effects. In adults, alcohol acts as a sedative which makes the adults to be more controlled even after they are totally drunk. On the contrary, alcohol acts as a stimulator for young people which make them to drink past the necessary or legal limits. Alcohol brings some kind of energy in young people which stimulates them to do things they would rather not do while sober. This explains why more homicide cases which are reported to be carried out by young people are linked to alcoholism. Other crimes which are commonly committed by young persons while under the influence of alcohol include rape cases, assaults and robberies. In America for example, over 45% of all rape cases are committed by young adults between the ages of 19 and 23 years while 44% of robberies and over 35% of assaults are all alcohol related. This is still the trend in most of the colleges where over 90% of all college rapes and violence are directly related to alcohol abuse. Most of the young persons who are imprisoned for homicide cases and rape cases attribute their actions to alcohol intoxication (Felsted, pp 25). Alcohol abuse amongst the youths is also an avenue through which most of the young persons are introduced to hard drugs such as cocaine, brown sugar, heroine and bhang. Young people are usually very eager and anxious to try out new things and love being adventurous. However, under the influence of alcohol, they become more vulnerable to be introduced to other dangerous drugs which are more fatal to their health as well as their lives. Under the influence of alcohol, young people are unable to make rational decisions which make it easy for them to fall prey of hard drugs abuse. Most of the young people who are today addicted to drugs say they were first introduced to such drugs during a drinking spree. Once introduced to such drugs, it becomes difficult to quit and even treat. Other health complications may arise which may not only be costly to treat but may lead to death. Drug addiction is hard to quit hence it can easily destroy the live of the youth (Barnes Brown, pp 109). Death is also another negative impact of alcohol on youths today. Alcohol intoxicates the mind making a person to act and behave irrationally. As already mentioned, youths are in their development stages and they are very energetic, curious and explorative. Unlike their counterpart adults, they tend to make decisions at impulse without thinking of the consequences that may accrue. Most of the youths who commit suicide are said to have prior being intoxicated with alcohol and other drugs. Alcohol is a leading cause of suicide cases which are reported around the world. Apart from suicide, most youths also meet their death while driving under the influence of alcohol. It is normal for the youths to explore and try out different things to satisfy their curiosity. Drinking is one of the means of doing this and at times they end up driving under this condition. This is dangerous as a person is not mentally and physically stable to drive which leads to major road accidents and deaths. Accidents caused by driving under the influence of alcohol are usually fatal and may cause further harm to other motorists and pedestrians as well. Families end up losing their children in such accidents all due to alcohol abuse. Another influence of alcohol on youths is that it leads to increased sexual activity amongst the youths which exposes them to dangers of contracting sexually transmitted diseases some of which may be terminal such as AIDS. Alcohol intoxicates a person and hinders rational thinking and decision making. Under the influence of alcohol, youths engage in sexual activities without reasoning or even taking precaution. This exposes or makes them vulnerable of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Currently, most of the persons living with HIV/AIDS virus are young people and they attribute it to alcohol and drug abuse. Such diseases are terminal and before a youth realizes he or she is infected, he can pass it over to others especially when drunk. Once infected with sexually transmitted diseases especially those which are terminal, a person feels worthless and may even become ill to an extent that he or she cannot work normally or may even commit suicide. Youths who are energetic, creative and future leaders and pillars of the world thus end up dying due to alcohol abuse (NIAAA, para 7). Alcohol also leads to poverty both for the youths and their families in that once a youth becomes infected with sexually transmitted diseases; their families are forced to cater for him which requires finances. Alcohol also has other health issues in the lives of youths. Alcohol is the leading cause of liver cirrhosis and kidney failure problems. Such diseases require a lot of money to treat and usually lead to diversion of money from other family welfare issues. This may easily lead to family poverty thus further complications in family matters. Alcohol abuse among the youths also leads to stress among the family members as they try to help the addicted person. Apart from economic constraints in the family for medical care, excessive alcohol especially amongst the youths makes them to become unruly and disorderly. They may also become abusive both physically and emotionally and sometimes sexually. This may cause trauma in families and may even attract legal suits against the perpetrator. Most of the youths are incarcerated as a result of alcohol abuse. This is also costly to their families as well as the youths (Felsted, pp 43-46). Alcohol drinking by the youths also affects their reproductive and maturation systems. During puberty and adolescence, young people experience rapid growth and set the onset of maturity to adulthood. During this growth and development process, different hormones are released to aid in maturity of an individual and development of reproductive system. Alcohol destroys or tampers with the production of growth hormones thus slowing growth and development of productive organs, bones, and muscles. Excessive alcohol intake by youths especially in males can cause impotence or immaturity in development of sexual organs. Women who take excessive alcohol during their youth may also become infertile or develop other fertility complications in the future. This affects the future reproductive health of an individual as such people may become incapable of procreating. This is also a major reason for family breakups and divorces in the world (Barnes Brown, pp 116). Another heath effect of alcohol intake among the youths is that it lowers the immune system. Exposure to alcohol especially during the youthful years leads to suppression of the immune system of an individual making such a person vulnerable to illnesses and diseases. Chronic exposure to alcohol changes the pattern in which hormones are released in the body. Hormones are the ones which stimulate the immune system in the body and once they are altered, the immunity of a person is affected greatly. Low immune system exposes a person to various kinds of health risks and diseases such as liver damage (NIAAA, para 9). Alcohol abuse by youths affects their behavioral development. Usually, youths who are under the influence of alcohol tend to be rowdy and disorganized and pick fights with almost everybody even their parents and teachers. In colleges, such students’ education is terminated which may mean end of their careers and aspirations. Termination of education also means that they cannot get better paying jobs due to lack of proper school qualifications and certificates. Alcohol makes the youths behave in an immature and irresponsible manner despite where they are. Behaving irresponsibly also has legal implications on youths. Most of the rowdy youths who become a public nuisance are picked up by the authorities and may be taken to rehabilitation centers or juvenile courts. This delays their education and prolongs their time in school which in some instances can be humiliating especially when a student is schooling with younger students. Such students may end up dropping out of school which further decreases their chances of getting good jobs. Alcohol generally leads to poverty in the long run for the youths (Felsted, pp 67-68). Conclusion Youth drinking has become a major concern in most parts of the world due to the negative impact alcohol has had on the young generation. The youth comprise of over 30% of the total population and they comprise the future generational leaders. Alcohol has however changed some of the youths and corrupted their energetic and agile minds rendering such youths almost useless to the global economy. Alcohol abuse among the youths is the leading cause for their deaths, poor performance thus poor paying jobs for the youths, diversion of family financial resources to cater for huge medical bills associated with alcohol related ailments, diseases and rehabilitation costs. Effects of alcohol on youth’s awareness campaigns should be planned to ensure that the future generation is protected.

Friday, September 20, 2019

External Influences on Health

External Influences on Health Recognize, survey and examine both immediate and aberrant effects on wellbeing the accompanying determinants have with respect to arranging, execution, and the assessment of wellbeing mediation. Demographic distribution of population. The demographic distribution influences the wellbeing straightforwardly and in a roundabout way. Here in New Zealand significant piece of the populace is existing in Auckland. The large portion of vagrants and other individuals are existing in the Auckland area. In this way, the prerequisite of wellbeing office is more in Auckland than different regions of New Zealand. The individuals require more wellbeing office in the urban range. In a few nations populace is high in some territory. In this way, it is hard to give hitter wellbeing office to everybody. In like manner, a few regions are not fitting clean due to the poor offices. It measurements likewise influences the wellbeing models. Some remote territories are far from the fundamental focus where we cant reach there on time to give the best human services offices in a crisis. In India there is more populace of adolescent age. While in New Zealand there are around 50,000 individuals of seniority with the issue of the dementia. Acc ording to one overview it will be around 1, 20,000 following 16 years. Thus, it will be a tremendous issue for the nation to handle it. Political values. Democratization is a crucial to ensure the energy about human rights, social value and worth. As we enter the third thousand years the strategy of democratization is spreading to more countries. The progression, in any case, is reasonably direct. Progress in wellbeing ethics to accomplish quality and reverence human honorability should not to hold up. Attempts to finish esteem in human administrations are ordinarily welcomed even by the most genuine organizations. Pioneers expect an unequivocal part in accepting good guidelines in wellbeing mindfulness that ensure worth, value and adoration for people. Political qualities dosage influence the wellbeing in distinctive way. Political gathering needs to choose the medicinal plan. Moreover, government choose which medication can be sold and which cant be sold in the nation. The political party additionally chooses the expense of the medication and medications free of charge solution. Case in point, in New Zealand natives get free medicat ions after a few solutions. The administration likewise chooses about the healing facility. Quantities of doctors facilities and zone of the healing centre has been chosen by the political party. Political values additionally impacts on the quantity of the restorative and nursing staff introduce in the health awareness unit. Capability of the staff additionally chooses by the administration for the clinics and medicinal services units. Government sets a portion of the criteria additionally for the holding up for an arrangement. Political qualities measurement likewise consequences for the expense of treatment. Like in India treatment of real ailments like tumor, AIDS is free of expense in government clinics. Along these lines, political values additionally have influenced the general wellbeing. Religious beliefs. Religious is the gauge for keep up the wellbeing. Like different religious have their own particular convictions for keep up wellbeing. According to Hinduism individuals like to take plant pharmaceutical instead of visit the specialist. Ayurveda is the book from which Hindu get thoughts to cure the sickness. Hindu individuals accept that they have wellbeing issues as a result of their awful things (Karma) they did. For the Muslim religious there are additionally diverse convictions for the wellbeing issue. Muslim individuals like to consume home sustenance amid their hospitalization. For the customary solution they like to go to Hakim rather than specialists. The populace of Africa are more cognizant about proliferation. In this way, they welcome the sicknesses like AIDS by having the dangerous sex. A large portion of universal individual’s utilization to do appeal to God for recuperation rather than pharmaceutical. The goal of Buddhist practice is to make the mind to its full est potential which incorporates the perfection of sensitivity and learning. Extraordinary success incorporates making a tolerant identity and working with the torment of disorder and death in a maximally perfect way. Buddhist church, and likewise lay specialists are open to help the people who are charmed by these practices. Human values Ethics are grounded on socio-social, philosophical or religious sentiments of what are extraordinary or wickedness. Ethics is considered as the effort to find sensible defence for perceiving what is right or wrong in human exercises and ways of life. In this adoration, ethics is an augmentation between wellbeing game plan and qualities, where qualities are seen as assistants and protections people use for picking destinations, needs and measures. Ethics investigations the moral authenticity of the choice. Quality incorporates both philosophy and conclusion. An operational philosophy would be to assess the impact of specific wellbeing decisions on quality and to ensure that decisions taken do enhance esteem. The progression and affirmation of human rights and of restorative administrations are in a wide sense interfaced. The right of the single individual to get right information empowered authorizing the essential information checks on cigarettes realizing a positive wellbeing and fi scal influence. There has been a creating penchant of late to minimize the inconvenience of social protection on individual human rights. Ethnicity. Ethnicity is a principle thought impacting the soundness of individuals and gatherings. Ethnicity (or ethnic social occasion) delineate various national differences in the way that ethnic get-togethers are delineated, and there is close general assentation that ethnicity is a socially created identity, and not an innately chose and continuing assurance which chooses conduct and the attributes of the individual, things being what they are, enrolment of an ethnic get-together is at risk to gather certain specific wellbeing dangers and needs. For example, the anticoagulation drug carbamazepine now and again causes genuine and even deadly medicine reactions in people of Asian plunge. Clearly, these drug reactions might at present happen in people who are not Asian, and they may not happen in all people of Asian drop. Yet knowing has any sort of impact in how your pro methodologies arrangements. Traditions. All traditions have frameworks of wellbeing feelings to clear up what causes affliction, how it could be cured or treated, and who should be incorporated the entire time. The extent to which patients see calm guideline as having social centrality for them can have a noteworthy effect on their get-together to information gave and their capacity to use it. Western industrialized social requests, for instance, the United States, which see contamination as an eventual outcome of trademark sensible phenomena, advocate therapeutic pharmaceuticals that fight microorganisms or use complex designing to diagnose and treat affliction. Diverse social requests acknowledge that infection is the delayed consequence of supernatural phenomena and push appeal to God or other significant mediations that counter the accepted disfavor of viable powers. Conventional issues accept a genuine part in patient consistence. One study exhibited that a social event of Cambodian adults with immaterial formal prepa ring endeavored huge consultations to take after treatment however did so in a manner unsurprising with their fundamental understanding of how arrangements and the body work. Various African-Americans share in a general public that focuses on the centrality of family and church. There are widened association bonds with grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, or individuals who are not naturally related yet who accept a key part in the family schema. Typically, a key relative is directed for key wellbeing related decisions. The assemblage is a vital help steady system for some African-Americans. Identify, assess and discuss both direct and indirect impacts on health the following public attitudes have with regards to planning, implementation, and the evaluation of health interventions. Personality, Attitudes and Health What is Personality? â€Å"We bring our identity with us wherever we go to work, school, in our connections†¦ and so on. Indeed our identities are reflected in all that we do. They are reflected in the TV shows we like to watch, the sustenance’s we consume, the sum we drink, our pastimes, political affiliations So it would just bode well that our identity would affect the route in which we decide to deal with our wellbeing and the way we respond to sickness. What is an attitude? The way you contemplate or act towards some person or something Attitudes Towards Tobacco Control: Context: smoke free Environments (Controls and Enforcement) Amendment Act 2011: Removal of purpose of-offer tobacco item shows: retailers must verify that tobacco items cant be seen by clients in their store. Retailers sees on Tobacco Control Measures and Their Effectiveness (changed perspectives): Most retailers thought the evacuation of tobacco presentations would diminish smoking, and debilitate youngsters from taking up smoking. Different retailers communicated enthusiasm toward giving extra backing to clients who are attempting to stop. A significant number of the retailers backed further tobacco control measures. Most were not restricted to the thought of it being necessary for tobacco merchants to additionally offer quit-supports like Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) including patches, gums. Tobacco industry has anticipated that uprooting tobacco item shows will bring about budgetary misfortunes for retailers and an increment in robberies and security issues. Attitudes Towards Smoking: Overview gathered information to portray staff reactions to articulations identifying with doctors facility smoking: Most (88%) wanted to work in a without smoke environment, in spite of the fact that this was altogether lower in smokers contrasted with non-smokers (39% versus 95%). While most staff felt that the smoke free environment had a positive effect on the wellbeing of patients (86%) and on themselves (79%), smokers were essentially more averse to concur. Smoking boycott can bring about positive wellbeing results for patients and staff, and may impact some staff to stop. Test is the way to convince the individuals who smoke. Analyse and talk about the different impacts that the collaboration between social, social and national and worldwide arrangement may have on the arranging, usage, and assessment of wellbeing intercessions in New Zealand. Patients of Indian Origin: Aged patients expect conscious and respectful treatment as their due. Numerous patients may wear religious stuff which ought to never be evacuated or cut without the assent of the patient or relative including exceptional dress (tupi, a religious top worn by Muslims), hallowed decorations (mangalsutra). Rehearsing Hindus or Sikhs put stock in resurrection – Older patients may accept that diseases are the consequence of terrible karma from past lives thus may be less slanted to hold fast to biomedical regimen Patients of Filipino Origin: Traditional Filipino methodologies coordinate ideas of disease as being the part of malevolence spirits or witches demanding discipline for wrongful deeds. Filipino idea of wellbeing is focused around the guideline of equalization – Tim bang. Particular issue are seen to be brought about by an abundance admission of one sort of sustenance. Chilly sustenance’s, for example, numerous foods grown from the ground may achieve disease and pallor. Many seniors utilize a double arrangement of human services, mixing advanced pharmaceutical with traditional practices and standards. Filial devotion and admiration for seniors is exceptionally solid in Filipino families. Families may be hope to be included and may hope to be furnished with significant data in regards to treatment plans. Patients of Africa and Zimbabwe: Perspectives of men and ladies who accepted they were potential conceptive disappointments by not having the socially expected numbers and sorts of youngsters in Zimbabwe. The implications of conceptive disappointment and their connections to neighbourhood convictions and society, sexual conduct and sex characters, and HIV counteractive action. A distraction with origination undermined the selection of what are right now viewed as more secure sexual practices. In looking to overcome what was seen as conceptive disappointment, men, and ladies to a lesser degree, participate in unprotected sex with various simultaneous and serial accomplices. Such practices are given significance by long-held nearby convictions concerning the imperativeness of childbearing for people and for the more extensive group. Traditional Filipino methodologies incorporate ideas of sickness as being the part of malice spirits or witches demanding discipline for wrongful deeds. Filipino idea of wellbeing is focused around the standard of equalization – Tim bang. Particular issue are seen to be brought about by an abundance admission of one sort of sustenance. Frosty sustenance’s, for example, numerous products of the soil may realize malignancy and weakness. Traditions, Religion and Health: Implications for Health Policy Planning, Implementation and Evaluation. Tradition and Culture: Wellbeing policymaking, execution and assessment must be educated by the social and conventional connections Well-being data that is socially proper to its target group is more successful than data that disregards society Conventional medications must be regarded. Recognize social, religious practices from the place where you grew up and layout how they may affect on wellbeing policymaking and execution. References Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from A Buddhist Approach to Patient Health Care Kusala Bhikshu. (n.d.). Retrieved from Assessing the impact of political, economic, socio-cultural, environmental and other external influences | Health Knowledge. (n.d.). Retrieved from The effects of religious beliefs on the health c [Nurse Pract. 1986] PubMed NCBI. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ethnicity and health Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia. (n.d.). RetrievedOctober1, 2014, from How culture influences health beliefs. (n.d.). Retrieved from How Your Ancestry and Ethnicity Affect Your Health — Health Hub from Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Personality and the Workplace Essay -- Workplace Essays

Personality and the Workplace   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I prefer to discuss a situation at a previous employment as opposed to anything that may be a current situation. I will, therefore, set the stage, so to speak. The company is a small business that deals with commercial real estate management. The company is well on the way to becoming well known industry wide and soon after I began working with this company, they merged with several others, thereby forming an almost nationwide corporation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I was hired at this company, it was because of who I knew and not because I interviewed for the position. I was living in another state and, when hired, I only had two weeks to pack myself and move to Atlanta. Although I was not at all familiar with the commercial real estate arena, I did study hard to learn what everything was and how it all related. Just as an interjection here, let me also note that this was while I was very sick; before I had been diagnosed and begun treatment for my Rheumatoid Arthritis. As difficult as it was, I still managed to get to work on time every day and get my job done with minimal errors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My supervisor was a woman who was close to me in age but I believe this was her first experience at being a supervisor. A first experience as a supervisor is tough, indeed, but let us add one more problem. She was of Cuban descent and, although she had lived in the United States for quite a few yea...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Evolution of Heroism: Comparing Qualities of Ancient Heroes Versus Mod

Heroes are prevalent in everyone’s life. Whether someone’s hero is a living person or a fabled character from a movie, everybody has come into contact with some sort of hero. In fact, the concept of heroes has existed for hundreds of years, dating all the way back to Ancient Greece. However, heroes have not always been people who dress up in costumes and fight crime, as our current society would lead us to believe. No, heroes started out differently and have evolved throughout the centuries. Heroes generally reflect the ideals of their society, and while they are not perfect, they demonstrate the qualities and traits valued by their society. Heroes have always possessed distinguishing qualities, but these traits and qualities have changed drastically over time. The Greek definition of a hero is far removed from the Romantic and modern definitions of heroes. Early heroes were characterized by extraordinary physical ability and incredible battle skills, whereas contempora ry heroes rely on intellectual ability and their rebellious nature. Specifically, the original Greek heroes had god-like physiques and were deadly and unstoppable warriors. One of the most prominent Greek heroes, Odysseus, demonstrates these qualities in Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey. Odysseus first displays his inhuman strength in the cave of Polyphemus, the Cyclops. His men prepare a large olive stake to thrust it into Polyphemus’ eye and Odysseus â€Å"drives his weight on [the olive stake] from above and bores it† (Homer, 223) in, an astounding feat of which only Odysseus is capable. Odysseus demonstrates his physical dominance again when he escapes the whirlpool Charybdis by â€Å"springing for the great fig tree† above and then escapes from Charybdis need I say/high... ...he example of each (smart for equality, fighting social boundaries for jane) but now that you say both do that (which is true for the most part) after â€Å"mentally brilliant† such as Equality and Jane, and fight their social boundaries as opposed to physical armies and foes. In Greek society, those who were fearless and muscular fighters were the ones that were honored and praised, comma needed but in modern society, people who are exceptionally bright and courageous can become honorable heroes. A perfect example of a modern hero is Barack Obama. Barack is extremely intelligent, as this is required of any president to run a country. He is the first African-American president, an act rebellious against the normal customs of American presidents. He cannot defeat an entire army of suitors by himself, but he has used his courage and intelligence to become a hero for many.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Art :: essays research papers

. You are capturing your impressions of a scene before you. In art, you are able to make something beautiful out of the ordinary. There is a relationship between artists and the world around them. The world is constantly changing but art will forever remain the same. The works in progress Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon means â€Å"the young ladies of Avigon.† It was painted by Pablo Picasso in 1907. The early sketch reveals that it originally had seven figures, five prostitutes, a sailor, and a medical student carrying a book. The crouching figure is complex in Study for the crouching Demoiselle. An earlier drawing reveals that what would become her hand is originally her arm and Her eyes were originally her breasts. Her mouth was originally her bellybutton.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the critical process the photograph is not a still life because the flower is wilting in the painting. That is not plaesureable. Still life is designed to induce in the spectator a higher order of thought. The vanitas tradition requires a skull in the painting. The lighting is dark. The background is almost as dark as the vase. They almost blend together. Figure 39 is one of the great examples of Impressionism, a mode of painting that dominated let nineteenth-century art in the Western world, especially in France. Claude Monet’s The Regatta at Argenteuil is representing every detail of a scene exactly as it appears. Monet’s purpose is to question the nature of representation itself. The picture is a representation. It is not very life-like. I think it is very sketchy. There are broad dashes of paint. I feel that he is expressing his pint of view to nature in his art work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The tension and conflict between the uncontrollable forces of nature and the civilizing powers of human society dominated American art and literature in the nineteenth century. Thomas Cole painted this theme in a series of five paintings called The Course of Empire. The painting represents according to Cole, â€Å"the history of a natural Scene, as well as an Epitome of man; showing the natural changes of landscape and those effected by man in his progress from Barbarism to Civilation-to the state of luxury-to the vicious state or state of Destruction, etc.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Analysis of Daddy by Sylvia Plath

Anna Fink ENGL 210-0824T Essay 1 Schumacher Daddy by Sylvia Plath The definition of father is a male parent. For some people the word father goes much deeper than that. A father is someone who protects you and loves you, gives you guidance and advice, and is the one person you can always count on. But for some people a father is just that, a male parent; a person you barely know, or a person you have come to fear. In Sylvia Plath’s poem, Daddy, she tells a chilling description of a man whom she compares to Hitler, a man who is her daddy. In the poem Daddy, the speaker unfolds a disturbing description of a father.Plath uses elements that we see happened in her real life and also events of the most horrific mass murder in the world’s history, the Holocaust. Many different metaphors are used to describe the relationship the speaker had with her father: a swastika, a Nazi, like God, and a vampire. The speaker describes herself as a victim, referring to herself as a Jew. The speaker is not necessarily a Jew but she wants the reader to see the relationship she had with her father to be like the relationship between a Nazi (her father) and a Jew (herself).In the poem the speaker talks of revenge and killing her father and also killing her husband. The climactic part of the poem is the speaker finally telling her father that she is through with him. In the first stanza the speaker describes her father as a black shoe that she has been living in her whole life and how she is not going to live that way anymore. In these lines: â€Å"For thirty years, poor and white, / Barely daring to breathe or Achoo. † (4-5) you can see the fear that the speaker lived in for thirty years. She was too scared of her father to even sneeze.In stanzas two and three is where the speaker introduces the audience to the idea that she has killed her father. â€Å"Daddy I have had to kill you. / You died before I had time—â€Å"(6-7). Here it is unclear as to whether the speaker actually killed her father because he died before she had time to do something. The speaker could be saying that she killed her father but only in her mind. â€Å"I used to pray to recover you / Ach, du† (14-15). The speaker says â€Å"recover you† which means â€Å"regain† beings she tries to get her father back into her life, but when she says â€Å"used to† the impression is she no longer needs or wants her father in her life. Ach, du† is German meaning â€Å"Oh, you† but it is unclear as to whether the speaker is angry or sad. (Shmoop, 2013). Stanzas four through six describe the Polack town where the speaker’s father came from, but lines (19-23) â€Å"But the name of the town is common / My Polack friend / Says there are a dozen or two. / So I could never tell where you / Put your foot, your root,† the speaker explains that she will never know where her father came from. The speaker continues on into the German language and how it terrified her because it reminded her of her father.She says how she could barely speak around him and â€Å"The tongue stuck in my jaw. / It stuck in a barb wire snare. † (25-26) describes how painful it was to talk to her father or in German. â€Å"I thought every German was you. / And the language obscene† (29-30). Here the speaker sees every German as her father and how language disturbs her. The speaker has terrible memories of her father. (Shmoop, 2013). The speaker then begins to compare herself to a Jew and describes the relationship between her father as that of a Jew and a Nazi in lines (34-35), â€Å"I began to talk like a Jew. I think I may well be a Jew. † The fear and terror she experiences around her father is very disturbing because of the metaphor she uses. The speaker uses the next stanza to describe her father’s appearance. She has always feared him and his German characteristics: his language, the German air force. His â€Å"neat mustache† and â€Å"blue eye† (43-44). A mustache iconic of Hitler’s and blue eye referring to the ideal human race of blue-eyed blondes that Hitler was trying to create. (Shmoop, 2013). â€Å"I was ten when they buried you. / At twenty when I tried to die / And get back, back, back to you. I thought even the bones would do. † (57-60). The speaker’s father died when she was ten and ten years later she tried to kill herself. Sylvia Plath also tried to kill herself when she was about twenty years old. The speaker, just like Plath, did not succeed. The speaker tried to kill herself in hopes to get closer to her father. She thinks that by dying their spirits or at least their bones will be together. (Shmoop, 2013). After the speaker had recovered she decided what she needed to do next was make a model of her father. â€Å"And then I knew what to do. I made a model of you,† (63-64). Now she doesn’t mean a physical model, bu t a person. She decided to marry a man like her father. The speaker describes this man to qualities like that of Hitler (like her father) and his love for the â€Å"rack and screw† (66) which are both gruesome instruments used for torture. Next in line 71, â€Å"If I’ve killed one man, I’ve killed two –â€Å"the speaker implies that not only has she â€Å"killed† her father but she has killed her husband now. â€Å"The vampire who said he was you / And drank my blood for a year, / Seven years, if you want to know. † (72-74).The speaker again uses the word vampire except now she is using it to describe her husband. Her husband is described to be sucking the life out of her just a vampire sucks the blood from a body, just like her father did for thirty years. At first the speaker makes it sound like she has been married for only a year, but then changes it to seven. This could be because their marriage has run together in a blur of unhappine ss and upon further thought she realizes it has actually been seven years. Sylvia Plath was married to Ted Hughes for about seven years, as well. (Shmoop, 2013).The ending of the poem the speaker uses to say that her father needed to be killed just like a vampire with a stake to the heart. â€Å"There’s a stake in your fat, black heart. † (76). Then the speaker tells us that nobody liked her father either and they danced on his grave because they also saw him to be like that of a vampire, sucking the life out of people and the reason for so much unhappiness. The very last line of the poem, â€Å"Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I’m through. † (80), the speaker uses to finally be done with her father. This is the peak of the poem and I picture the speaker to spit this line right at father and finally free herself. Shmoop, 2013). In Sylvia Plath’s poem, Daddy, she tells a chilling description of a man whom she compares to Hitler, a man who is her daddy. Th is poem uses many different metaphors to compare different things: vampires, black hearts, a black shoe, Nazis and Jews. All of these add to the image the speaker is trying to create of her father. The cruelty of this man is completely disturbing. The word â€Å"daddy† is usually used as term of endearment for a father, but in this poem the speaker uses it sarcastically to demean her father because he never truly was a father to her.The fear and horror inflicted on the speaker comes out in the poem in the angry tone she uses throughout the piece. Daddy? This man was no father at all. Sources â€Å"Daddy: Stanza 16 Summary. † Shmoop: Homework Help, Teacher Resources, Test Prep. N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Feb. 2013. http://www. shmoop. com/daddy-sylvia-plath/stanza-16-summary. html. Plath, Sylvia. â€Å"Daddy – Sylvia Plath. † internal. org > poets. N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Feb. 2013. http://www. internal. org/Sylvia_Plath/Daddy.


Answer the following questions in the space provided. Remember to use complete sentences to demonstrate comprehension and understanding. Based on the labs you completed, answer the following questions: 1. Which solute(s) were able to diffuse into the right beaker from the left beaker? Which did not? Answer: The solute(s) that were able to diffuse Na+/Cl- , Urea, Glucose. The solute that didn’t was Albumin. 2. Explain the relationship between the rate of diffusion and the size of the solute.What do you think changes in temperature such as cold/hot would have on the diffusion rate? Answer: The rate of diffusion of molecules depends on how soluble they are. The rate of diffusion depends on the size of the molecule in general, small molecules would pass through a membrane faster than larger molecules. As temperatures increase, molecular movement increases. As the movement increases, so will the diffusion rate as the molecules spread faster and faster.The opposite would be true of colder temperatures. 3. Considering the osmosis lab, explain the relationship between fluid volume and osmotic pressure. Answer: Osmotic pressure is the measure of the tendency for osmotic flow to occur. Osmotic flow is from a solvent to a solution. This is the amount of pressure that needs to be applied from the outside to prevent osmosis. Fluid volume might be connected to osmotic pressure as the amount of pressure required to contain a specific volume of fluid in a container.Both pressures are external. 4. Describe a situation that demonstrates diffusion and a situation that demonstrates osmosis occurring either in the human body or in the environment. Answer: Diffusion is molecules moving from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. For example, ammonia molecules have a powerful odor. When a stopper is removed from a beaker containing ammonia, the molecules move from the area of high concentration diffusing themselves throughout the air.This true as the od or becomes noticeable even in far reaches of the room where it was released. Osmosis occurs when molecules on one side of a semi-permeable membrane cross through the membrane. If the two solutions are of different concentrations, but the molecules of one are smaller and can diffuse the membrane, then we have osmosis or molecules moving from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. A common example is the absorption of water by the roots of a plant from the soil. 5.After reviewing the four tissue types in the Histology Atlas, choose the tissue type you think is most important in the human body and explain your reasoning. Answer: There isn’t such thing as most important tissue. The reason we have different tissues is that we cannot exist without any of them. If I had to choose one it would be Epithelial Tissue because covers the whole surface of the body. It is made up of cells closely packed and ranged in one or more layers. This tissue is specialized to form the covering or lining of all internal and external body surfaces.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

All characters in the novel Essay

All characters in the novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ are either lonely, bored or in need of escaping from the soulless existence of the itinerant labour. It is based on a society of men leading empty lives, trapped in a lonely life, consisting mainly of hard physical work. There was not enough happiness, love and affection in their lives. The novel is set in California, the Southern states of America, in the 1930’s around the time of the ‘Great Depression’. The ranch is based in ‘Soledad’; which is the Spanish word for ‘Loneliness’. The bunkhouse that the men sleep and live in is a long and rectangular building. The walls are white washed and the floor unpainted. In three of the four walls are small, square windows. In the fourth one was a solid door with a wooden latch. There are eight bunks, all with a nailed apple box over them with the opening forward. This made two small shelves for the personal belongings of each ranch hand occupying the certain bunk. On these shelves were little articles, soap, razors, talcum powder, Western magazines, medicines, little vials, combs and a few neckties. There was also a black cast iron stove, and a big square table in the centre of the room, with scattered playing cards across it, and surrounding the table were boxes for the men to sit on. The bunkhouse also had lice and roaches in it! Carlson and the other ranch hands all dream of owning their own land and living and working from this, resulting in wealth and happiness. This was known as the ‘American Dream’, this is shown as an opportunity to all people no matter how rich or poor they are. There is a lot of government propaganda, informing people that if they work hard and push their ambitions to the limit, they can make this dream reality. However they all knew, no matter how hard they worked or how successful they were, it was very unlikely of this dream ever becoming reality. Their way of escaping this disappointment was to collect their fifty bucks at the end of the month and of a weekend spend all of it on women and alcohol, usually at the nearest ‘cat-house’. During the week they play cards games or horseshoes. Crooks is very lonely, this is due to the fact that he is coloured and everyone knows him as a nigger! He is treated completely differently to all the others, an outsider. He is also crippled, after a horse kicked him and severely damaged his back. In the 1930’s it was very racist in America and the coloured people weren’t allowed to speak up or were too scared to defend themselves in fear of what the white people would do to them. This is the situation Crooks is in. However he is the only coloured person at the ranch, so he has to accept all racial comments on his own. He has his own separate room, which isn’t even a room it is a shed that leans off the side of the barn wall. He is isolated from everyone else, therefore unable to socialise. On one occasion Lennie entered the barn to see his pup. He saw Crooks’ light shining and stood in the doorway of Crooks’ room. Crooks saw him and said sharply ‘†you got no right to come in my room. This here’s my room. Nobody got any right in here, but me. † He then followed with â€Å"I ain’t wanted in the bunkhouse and you ain’t wanted in my room†, â€Å"they play cards in there, but I can’t play because I’m black. They say I stink. Well, I tell you all of you stink to me. † Crooks reads to amuse himself when he has nothing better to do. This keeps his mind off of the atmosphere and situation he is surrounded by in his everyday life. Curley’s wife is perhaps one of the loneliest characters, trapped in her strict and original woman’s/wife’s role. Her daily routine only ever consists of her doing housework, such as cooking Curley’s dinner, washing Curley’s clothes, making Curley’s bed, cleaning Curley’s house, etc. If Curley catches her talking to the ranch hands he is always very annoyed by it, she is to stay in the house. She is known as ‘Curley’s wife’, no one knows her name so they cannot call her by it. One time when she enters the bunkhouse and begins to talk to the ranch hands, Crooks suggests † Maybe you better go along to your own house now. We don’t want no trouble. † It is this idea that she is ‘trouble’ that makes Curley’s wife so upset and angry. † Well, I ain’t giving you no trouble. Think I don’t like to talk to somebody ever’ once in a while? Think I like to stick in that house alla time? † Having a husband even makes her loneliness worse, because Curley is so strict about whom she socialises with and what she does. She calls him sarcastically a â€Å"Swell guy†, who † Spends all his time sayin’ what he’s gonna do to guy’s he don’t like, and he don’t like nobody. † Curley’s wife tries to escape her loneliness and sadness by dreaming of being an actress or a model. She had been offered the chance before â€Å"I tell you I could of went with shows† † An’ a guy tol’ me he could put me in pitchers†. Curley’s wife is also very good at flirting, this attracts male attention. Therefore just for a moment she is listened to and is the centre of attention, this moment matters so much to her because she is being paid attention to for once, that she makes a very bad habit of it. However the ranch hands have got used to her scheming ways and do not want to risk getting â€Å"canned† because of a â€Å"tart†. However Lennie and George are different to the other ranch hands, they may live a lonely existence, but they have each other. Other than the other ranch hands expressing their feelings about their hopes, dreams, lonely lives etc, George and Lennie are the only characters we really get to know. All other ranch hands haven’t got a family or anything to look forward to, but it is different with George and Lennie; they believe they have a future and as long as they have got each other, it doesn’t matter whether they have a family or not. These men love each other. They talk to each other and know that the other cares for them, because George looks after Lennie, and Lennie looks after George. However, George has a much greater job in looking after Lennie, than Lennie has in looking after George. Lennie is a bit of a dunce and is always forgetting things, but George has the brains. They both are physically well built, but Lennie does not realise his own strength sometimes, he is dangerously strong. Lennie is the physical side of the pair, whereas George is the mental. The fact that they have each other gives them more of a chance of success, than the other ranch hands. Lennie loves George to tell him what; one-day things will be like. Their dream is to one day buy a little house, with a ten acres, a â€Å"win’mill†, a kitchen, an orchard to grow â€Å"cherries, apples, peaches, ‘cots, nuts, and a few berries†, a section on the land to grow alfalfa that Lennie will use to feed the rabbits with, hutches and pens full with pigs, chickens, cows, goats, cats, pigeons, a dog and rabbits that Lennie could pet, a smoke house so they could kill the pigs and then smoke it, for smoked ham and bacon etc, and for them to literally â€Å"live off the fatta the lan'†. They would only work six or seven hours a day. Lennie likes to pet, smooth, soft, furry things, as a kind of comfort. Other than for George and animals, love and affection are withheld, not only from Lennie, but also for all the ranch hands. This is why they have their own individual comfort or way of escaping from the repetitive daily routine and loneliness. Candy is a dissimilar character from the other ranch hands. He is very lonely and sad. He has no hand, but a very old dog that he cares for very much. This dog is similar to Candy. They are both very old and when Carlson shoots the dog, because it smells, has no teeth, he cannot eat, is stiff with rheumatism, is nearly blind and Carlson thinks it will be better to put the dog out of his ageing misery. Candy wants people to treat him once he is canned like this. This is because he â€Å"won’t have no place to go, an’ he can’t get no more jobs†. The other ranch hands say that he can replace the dog with one of Lulu’s pups, but of course that wouldn’t be the same, never is anyone or anything the equivalent, everyone and everything is unique. Candy seems to think that when he is dead, people will say the same thing about him. When a new ranch hand comes and replaces him, he’ll be forgotten. For obvious reasons Candy is upset and hurt by this. It is as if the characteristics of his dog and the way the other men treat the dog, symbolises Candy. Candy wants to join George and Lennie in their ‘dream’. Candy has already got three hundred bucks and another fifty coming at the end of the month, when the men get paid. He explains that he â€Å"ain’t much good, but I could cook, tend the chickens, and hoe the garden some†. Then when George and Lennie get their fifty bucks each at the end of the month, they will have four hundred and fifty bucks, and although the woman wants six hundred bucks, George thinks she will accept their offer as a deposit and then George will get a job and start to collect the rest, while Candy and Lennie could work on the land as well as sell eggs etc, making more money. This is Candy’s route of escaping. Everything seems to be falling into place and their dream looks like it could become reality. This is everything a man wants and Candy is thrilled he is part of it. However much their dream looks real, it all ends when Curley’s wife tries her old tricks with Lennie. Curley’s wife enters the barn, as Lennie sits there mourning over his pup, he has just accidentally killed! George has already warned Lennie about Curley’s wife, says she is trouble, so Lennie refuses to talk to her, â€Å"George says I ain’t to have nothing to do with you- talk to you or nothing†. Curley’s wife says in a innocent voice, â€Å"All the guys got a horse-shoe tenement goin’ on†, so â€Å"Why can’t you talk to me? † She eventually persuades Lennie that it is safe to talk to her. They talk for ages and Lennie tells her how he â€Å"likes to pet nice things with my fingers, sof’ things†. She tells Lennie to â€Å"feel right here†, on her hair. Lennie was enjoying stroking her hair until she warned him not to â€Å"muss it up†. She then got angry because Lennie wasn’t listening to her. She went to pull away and Lennie clasped his fingers tightly in her hair and wouldn’t let go. She began to shout, â€Å"you let go†. Lennie began to get scared because he thought George would hear and go mad. He covered her mouth and nose to prevent her screaming, and continued to beg her to be quiet. She continued to struggle and he shook her. Suddenly â€Å"her body flopped like a fish†. She was dead! Lennie ran to the brush that George had told him to hide in when they first arrived in Soledad if he ever got into trouble. When Candy found Curley’s wife dead and told all the ranch hands, they all knew it was Lennie! Most of the men wanted to kill Lennie, but George got there first. George knew that Lennie would be scared if half a dozen men ran towards him shooting, but if George was to do it at the back of his head, just like Candy’s old dog it would be pain free. When George found him, Lennie asked for the story of their dream to be told to him and questioned George why he wasn’t mad at him, but obviously if this was George’s last moments with Lennie he didn’t want to be mad at him. As George told the story and paused every so often, Lennie would say â€Å"go on† or â€Å"Gonna do it soon† as if he knew what George was about to do and was encouraging George to get it over and done with. George finally shot Lennie. Lennie jarred forward and the settled peacefully as he lay on the sand. George just sat stiffly and silently n the bank, looking at his hand that had just pulled the trigger disgustedly. George knew it was for the best, where ever they were to go Lennie’s unrecognised strength would lead to trouble; it had already, both in Weed and Soledad. Lennie was trapped by his strength. Although, Lennie has now been released from pain by no longer being able to kill others and from not getting shot by half a dozen men cruelly, but peacefully by George. The upsetting thing is, that Lennie was so afraid of being alone and away from George, and now he was just that. It was all over!!! George is now free; he is no longer trapped by his want of freedom, of constantly looking after Lennie. I think the novel tries to give us the message that people try to lead their lives as successfully as possible, in order to result in the best possible outcome. However this is very hard to succeed. The ranch hands wanted the ‘American Dream’ to become reality, but is very unlikely and as shown does not happen. The novel gave a very positive view of the ‘American dream’, but this is erroneous and does not come true. The chances of finding true, lasting friendship and happiness are also very unlikely as it is always spoilt by misfortune, arguments, inconveniences and sometimes death, as in this case.